The eSpot Analyzes: Do Right Wing Eurovision Fans Like Ethno Bops?


Back in November, The Guardian ran an article titled "Rightwing Eurovision fans love an 'ethno-traditional' tune" which reports on a recent academic article written by Political Scientists from the Netherlands. The Guardian article gained lots of attention and criticism amongst the Eurofandom on Twitter for its salacious and misleading headline, but little discussion was had regarding the actual contents of the article. In an effort to get to the bottom of what the research actually found, Renata read all 22 pages of the academic article so you don't have to (but she highly recommends it)! In this episode, Renata explains to Greg what the article is about and analyzes its findings. The text of the original academic article "Pop populism: ethno-traditionalism beyond national borders and the populist radical right" by Alessandro Nai, Elizabeth L. Young, and Linda Bos can be found at this link:


The eSpot Analyzes: The ESC 250 (w/ special guest ESC Clarinet Moon)


The eSpot Talks ASC: Semi-Final 2